Hi everyone
I wish that I was able to pick one or two pictures for my poster, but there has been many major events that have touched me. In the name of a dollar bill in god we trust when religion and politics mix innocent people die. In the concentration camp of prejudice and hatred equals the shoes of the holocaust. Uncle Sam wants you to fight for other countries killing our own soldiers in a war that has nothing to do with us. The twa flight 800 the friendly fire that cost the lives of innocent passengers. Berlin wall was another example of hatred and prejudice. In the search of Peace we gonna blow up this world. Now who do you trust? In God We Trust.
For this poster I originally set the canvas size to 20 wide and 30 long
I set the resolution to 200
used 11 layers
I just cropped the dollar bill and everything else I left the same. On top poster I like the black and white but I lost a lot of details that's why I used the original poster.
The atomic peace sign marks the 44th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945).
911 picture from website howmanypeopledied.net
travel.webshots.com the world's too small for walls
quakerhouse.org end racism
gallerym.com vietnam
jewishjournal.com religion politics
flight 800 coverbrowser.com
johnmcnally54.com dead soldiers
joedresch.wordpress.com holocaust
ruddell.blogspot.com in god we trust
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